Ever since her one month of solitary confinement in her box, Emilie’s been struggling with a fungal infection on all four feet. Those long, shaggy feathers of hers have not been helping. Adorable as they are, they are now gone! Hopefully, her treatments will have a bit more effect now.

Fungal infection is not the only issue that the horseperson’s eye will spot with the pictures above. Those feets, they badly need a trim! We’ve spent all weekend teaching Emilie to not only lift her feet when asked, but hold her feet up so that the farrier can get to work. She’s eager to learn, as always, but her balance is miserable and her muscle mass is a joke after eight weeks of confinement. It’s not easy for her. I expect the farrier to be able to do at least her front hooves tomorrow. Not entirely sure she’s ready for the hind legs.