The Kittening Part Two: Revenge of the Roundworms

My cellphone camera is not very good, and definitely not up for kittens in action. Still, you can probably tell that that the evil pink murderbird is getting what it deserves!
My cellphone camera is not very good, and definitely not up for kittens in action. Still, you can probably tell that that the evil pink murderbird is getting what it deserves!

Had a bit of a scare yesterday. Miv, the tuxedo boy, threw up and did not want to eat. When we found a sizable roundworm in his vomit we knew it was vet time. Went this morning, and both kittens have now been dewormed. That’s a little tricky because they are so young!

At eight weeks now, they are still adorable bundles of floof, though the floof now has claws and a sense of balance.

Their eyes are starting to turn green. Currently a kind of turquoise.
Their eyes are starting to turn green. Currently a kind of turquoise.
But we're still babies, and the best place to sleep is on a people person.
But we’re still babies, and the best place to sleep is on a people person.