Day Two, the Kittening

If you haven’t already, meet Miv and Piv (which translates, very roughly, to Pip and Squeak, or Shriek and Howl) who earned their names for their voices. They have a lot of voice between them. Miv is a tuxedo boy and Piv is a calico girl. They are four and a half weeks old, and we have adopted them because their mother abandoned them.

Never too young to pose for photos.
They’re not so great at eating from a plate yet but refuse to suck on a fake teat. Messiness ensues.
Best. Babysitter. Ever.
Piv is the braver kitty. Miv still prefers to watch while she beats up the dog for him.
She does this four or fime times a day so far. He loves it.
But in the end, even the fiercest little warrior princess must sleep.